
Tragedy on the S4 near Sigleß: Mild sentence after head-on crash with four fatalities

Tragedy on the S4 near Sigleß: Mild sentence after head-on crash with four fatalities

A 20-year-old driver has four fatalities on his conscience after a head-on crash on the A4 near Sigleß. Among them were his parents; his girlfriend was the most seriously injured. In view of the tragedy, the sentence is lenient.

SIGLESS. The seriously injured boy from Styria, 20, unemployed, single, has a “Driving errors“ Committed, says a expert-Report: “Alcohol consumption or drug use could not be detected!”

Accused of negligent killing and negligent heavier The driver admitted to bodily harm: “Yes, guilty!” He has no memories of the accident on August 19, 2023: “All I remember is that I was lying on the ground next to the car!”

Return journey from Sing

The outcome of the tragedy was the return journey to Styria after a Family outing in the Familypark St. Margarethen. “I have fit felt!” In response to a question from the judge Gabriele Nemeskeriwhat the situation was in the vehicle, the boy said: “My mother and my girlfriend have sleptI don't know if my father was sleeping, he was sitting behind me. So we didn't say anything, just that the radio was on…!”

The accused Styrian pleads guilty. | Photo: Gernot Heigl

A following car driver said as a witness: “Suddenly a car from the oncoming lane crossed the double lane.” Barrier line came into our track. There was a Head-on collision. The car in front of me then went over the guardrail flown!”

Car flew over guardrail

Then he described that he first helped the seriously injured passenger (girlfriend of the defendant) out of the wreck He helped before he broke open a jammed door and helped the person who caused the accident to get out. The witness’ wife, who was also travelling with him, said: “I Emergency call Then my daughter said: “Run to the front, there are people there who need yours.” Help“!” Other stopped drivers also took care of the victims at the same time.

Die Girlfriend of the driver of the accident described as a witness: “We left at 9 o'clock in the direction of Familypark and got back in the car at around 3 o'clock.” Then I immediately fell asleep. I was tired. But my friend didn't seem tired! After the crash, which I didn't remember at all, I didn't know what to do. Not knowing was happened and had no idea where I was!”

The sentence imposed is suspended, the boy does not have to go to prison. | Photo: Gernot Heigl

Four fatalities

Due to the frontal crash, the Styrian's car still has its Murmurs deceased, the Father I was in hospital on August 21st. Immediately the completely innocentoncoming driver. His wife lost the Struggle for survival am November 17th. The driver of the accident and his girlfriend, both seriously injured, had to undergo surgery in hospitals.

No apology

Even if, according to the defense, the driver of the accident would have liked to have back and want to undo everything that has happened, a personally expressed Excuse me The defendant was not responsible for his driving error.

Mild punishment

The presiding judge in the Eisenstadt Regional Court imposed a sentence of up to two years in prison. conditional Detention of six monthsHe also has to accompany his girlfriend, represented by lawyer Gerhard Ederer, a symbolic Amount of compensation of 1,000 euros. Further claims by private parties were referred to the civil courts.

The Styrian accepted the verdict, the public prosecutor made no statement. Not legally binding.

Third fatality after accident on the S4

Two dead and four seriously injured

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