
Sharp criticism after police action against NFL star Tyreek Hill

Sharp criticism after police action against NFL star Tyreek Hill

Die kurzzeitige Festnahme des Football-Stars Tyreek Hill hat in den USA abermals eine Debatte über Polizeigewalt ausgelöst. In einer Stellungnahme der Miami Dolphins, für die Hill als Wide Receiver in der National Football League (NFL) spielt, heißt es: „Es ist sowohl wahnsinnig als auch herzzerreißend zu sehen, wie genau die Menschen, denen wir vertrauen, dass sie unsere Gemeinschaft schützen, solch unnötige Gewalt anwenden.“

Der 30 Jahre alte Hill war am Sonntag auf dem Weg zum ersten Saisonspiel der Dolphins von Polizisten zunächst angehalten und dann kurzzeitig in Gewahrsam genommen worden, mutmaßlich weil er in seinem Sportwagen in überhöhter Geschwindigkeit unterwegs war.

Am Montag veröffentlichte das Miami-Dade Police Department das Video einer Bodycam eines der beteiligten Polizisten. Darin ist zu sehen, wie Hill einem Polizisten zunächst durch das geöffnete Fenster seines Autos seinen Führerschein aushändigt und das Fenster daraufhin wieder schließt.

When Hill refuses to open his window again, the police officers pull him out of his car and push him to the ground. One of them presses his knee into Hill's back and he is handcuffed. Hill does not resist, but is soon pulled to the ground again by one of the police officers.

“What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill?”

The Dolphins wrote that they recognize that the vast majority of police officers serve the community with the utmost character and a desire to protect all citizens. “However, as is clearly seen in the videos released tonight, some officers confuse their responsibility and commitment to duty with misplaced power.” The incident reminded them that not every similar situation ends peacefully.

“What if I wasn't Tyreek Hill?” Hill asked after the Dolphins' 20-17 win over the Jacksonville Jaguars. “I wasn't disrespectful, that's not how my mother raised me.” He is still trying to understand what happened. He had previously celebrated his 80-yard touchdown with his hands clasped behind his back as if he were handcuffed.

The Miami-Dade Police Department announced an internal investigation into the incident. One police officer has already been suspended. The Miami Police Union defended the action. Hill was “briefly detained for the safety of the police officers after waging war in a way that put himself and others in great danger,” said union president Steadman Stahl. Hill's lawyer spoke of “over-the-top behavior” by the police and announced further steps in a statement.

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