
The father of a YES Prep Southeast Secondary student says his son defended his classmate when he was attacked on campus

The father of a YES Prep Southeast Secondary student says his son defended his classmate when he was attacked on campus

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) – A 15-year-old boy has been charged after he injured a classmate with brass knuckles, according to Houston police.

According to HPD, the incident occurred Monday at YES Prep in southeast Houston.

The 16-year-old victim fortunately escaped with the body, but suffered a superficial cut on the neck and a gaping wound on the scalp.

“The only thing he told me before he ran away was that he didn't want to die at school,” said the victim's father, who wished to remain anonymous.

On Monday, the boy's father said he was attacked in the bathroom at YES Prep Southeast Secondary.

ORIGINAL STORY: School fight between two 15-year-olds escalates into stabbing: HPD

“It just happened, so we're still – our minds are everywhere and it's confusing,” the victim's father said.

According to his son, his son was attacked because he stood up for another YES Prep student. Three youths appeared to be involved. One appeared to be holding the knife in his hand while striking the victim with the other.

“There is too much killing in schools. Too many bad things happen in schools and many parents are afraid to send their children to school,” the father said.

A new report from the National Center of Education Statistics found that public schools reported 857,000 violent incidents during the 2021-2022 school year. It also shows that 67% of public schools reported at least one violent incident on campus.

In a statement, YES Prep said:

“Today, an incident occurred between students at YES Prep Southeast Secondary. Staff immediately intervened and called medical personnel. The student involved was released without serious injuries. We take this incident very seriously. YES Prep is addressing this issue directly with students and their families. We do not tolerate violence of any kind.”

“That's why we as parents have to be better role models and show our children how to properly handle such a situation as parents. And we have to be careful about what we have in the house and what we make available to our children,” said the victim's father.

How the 15-year-old suspect got the gun is unclear.

“It was a pretty deadly knife, a knuckleduster. You just can't buy something like that in the store, especially not as a minor,” said the victim's father.

It raises the question of whether parents should be held accountable if their children bring weapons to school with the intention of using them.

This is something that has been happening since Parents of teenager who shot his classmates in Michigan were charged with manslaughter.

Prosecutors in Georgia have even More serious allegations against the father of a suspected mass murderer who killed four people just last week.

“I think it's appropriate that (the charges) be passed on to the parents,” said the victim's father. “That's what comes from being better role models and raising your children better.”

For updates on this story, follow Alex Bozarjian on Facebook, X and Instagram.

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