
Techrights – Will EPO corruption lawsuits be next?

Techrights – Will EPO corruption lawsuits be next?

posted by Roy Schestowitz on September 10, 2024

Earlier this week: Very large EPA applicants are now threatening to boycott the EPA (EPA management is trying to bribe them into changing their plans/opinions while hiding this from staff)

The EPO, as opposed to the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) enjoys unfair immunity and its executives also enjoy diplomatic immunity, which they have long used to get away with serious crimes in countries like Croatia. This means that they are extraordinarily difficult to sue (or very difficult to prosecute) unless they commit mass murder or something as bad as that (suicide clusters). a la Benoît Battistelli apparently doesn't count unless you work for a French telecom giant that doesn't have immunity). António Campinos came from the EU, as did Michel Barnier. Battistelli, Campinos and Barnier are all French and have played a significant role in promoting illegal and unconstitutional patent courts. What damage have they done to the EU's reputation, and are grotesque acts like these leading people to vote for Brexit and call for similar exits in other European countries? At no point should we claim that it is OK to violate laws and constitutions in the name of “unity” – where “unity” simply means that “it is easier for patent trolls to sue Europeans together”.

This is the most tragic development in the patent field in Europe… perhaps in decades. So now we have not only a patent office that commits crimes on a daily basis, but its actions are judged by a so-called “court” (UPC) that violates the law.

Will there be a lawsuit? Well, we filed two last Friday. [1, 2]but they had nothing to do with patents.

“We will soon have to do the same with UPC,” one reader told us, because “this monster should not be alive if politicians cared about the rule of law.”

“I would like to write an open letter to Barnier. The fact that the EPO probably bought the reform by hiring Frohlinger in exchange for the EU's non-participation is completely insane. The European Commission's conclusion that the EU cannot participate in the project is a very creative interpretation in its Opinion 1/09, as there is nothing in it to prevent this. It is now obvious that the EPO had an interest in keeping its little kingdom of Eponia outside the jurisdiction of the ECJ.”

The corruption here is so deep that the court (i.e. the legal system) regarding patents is illegal in Europe. It operates outside the rule of law and in violation of the constitutions. Why isn't the mainstream media reporting on it? Well, just look at who is sponsoring it and for what. █

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