
Caring Labrador cannot stand by and do nothing

Caring Labrador cannot stand by and do nothing


Golden Retriever gets his claws cut: Caring Labrador can't just stand by and watch

Oakley is causing a stir on TikTok. In a video, she tries to stop her owner from cutting the claws of her golden retriever dog Freya.

England – Drama, baby, drama: Labrador lady Oakley is currently creating a great atmosphere on TikTok. In a viral video, the furry friend is trying with all her might to stop her owner from cutting the claws of her golden retriever dog Freya.

Labrador lady Oakley always pays close attention to fellow Labrador Freya – especially when her claws are being cut. © Image montage: TikTok/Screenshots/evaloushore

There is great excitement in the clip: Oakley, who lives with her owner and other dogs in a household in England, is horrified because the poor golden retriever Freya is lying helpless on the ground.

She calmly endures her owner's heartless actions. But Oakley will not give up without a fight. She angrily barks at her owner several times, obviously hoping to get her to stop.

But the Englishwoman shows no remorse and simply cuts off more claws. After Oakley tries barking a few more times, she finally gives up.

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But Oakley wouldn't be Oakley if it didn't have another ass in its back paw. Plan B also works.

Viral TikTok video shows strange situation with the dogs

Don't look! Oakley covers Golden Retriever Freya's eyes.

Don't look! Oakley covers the eyes of Freya, a female golden retriever. © TikTok/Screenshot/evaluousshore

To make the situation more bearable for Freya, Oakley throws herself protectively over her. Then she lays her head on Freya's – presumably so that she doesn't have to watch this drama anymore.

While many users can only find the strange video amusing – it has had 3.5 million clicks and almost 300,000 likes since the beginning of September – the owner of the four-legged friends is even more enthusiastic.

“I've never experienced anything like this before. The empathy and love she showed at such a young age just made my heart explode,” the Briton said in an interview with Newsweek this week.

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The success of the clip, however, was only somewhat surprising to her: “We always knew it was a special video. But we never imagined how much reach it would have. We received some lovely comments from people who were just as excited about the campaign as I was.”

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