
“Albert Einstein reloaded” is disappointed by the audience

“Albert Einstein reloaded” is disappointed by the audience

Günther Jauch doesn't have guests like this every day on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” David Danin already has an impressive resume at the age of 23.

Cologne – Such guests have moderator Günther Jauch (68) not every day at “Who wants to be a millionaire“. David Danin (23) is a candidate visiting the game show who has an impressive resume. But that doesn't help him either.

David Danin (23) is a graduate physicist and philosopher and is trying his luck on “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” © RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

The 23-year-old has already experienced a lot in his young years. He is a trained physicist and philosopher. “Albert Einstein reloaded!” says Jauch, quite astonished.

David currently works in Amsterdam, but previously he was at the University of Oxford in England.

“Even the dumbest people don’t get there,” said the moderator about the data scientist.

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Who wants to be a millionaire
“Who wants to be a millionaire”: Smart senior citizen leaves Günther Jauch speechless

And his high school diploma is also impressive: his average grade was 1.0, which is starting to scare the 68-year-old Münster native.

The 23-year-old did not get his A-levels just anywhere, but at one of the most famous elite boarding schools in Germany: Schloss Salem.

Nevertheless, the candidate has a bit of trouble with the 4000 euro question. “Which popular ornamental plant lives up to its name in terms of flower colour?” Lantana, lantana, violet, variegated bellflower?” Jauch wants to know.

The physicist cannot come up with the answer himself, which is why he uses the audience joker. 75 percent of the audience present choose answer A.

He would have guessed that too, because “the name Rosa is also in Röschen,” he thinks out loud.

Much to the delight of Jauch, who quips: “A-levels and Oxford graduate, which of us is the dumb one right now?”

“WWM” candidate doesn’t get to experience wild times at Salem Castle

When asked by presenter Günther Jauch (68) about the 16,000 euro question, the candidate starts to ponder.

When asked by presenter Günther Jauch (68) about the 16,000 euro question, the candidate starts to ponder. © RTL / Stefan Gregorowius

And that's despite the fact that David didn't experience the wildest times at the elite boarding school. “But that was definitely after the drug stories at school, wasn't it? Things got wild there,” the 68-year-old presenter also knows.

“When we were there, there were regular alcohol tests. Like at the police station. Then they come with a small breathalyzer and retest everyone to make sure they behave well,” explains David.

The critical limit is – just like in traffic – 0.5 per mille. Anyone who doesn't stick to it has to answer to a committee. The punishment is often cleaning the room. Sometimes there is also a letter to the parents.

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Who wants to be a millionaire
“Who wants to be a millionaire?” special: Jauch candidate reveals how he lost 40 kilos in just one year

However, the high-flyer's winnings will end at 16,000 euros. Jauch wants to know who turned 75 in December and then started their “75Live” tour across Germany in May 2024. “A: Westernhagen, B: Grönemeyer, C: Maffay, D: Lindenberg?”

The philosopher and his telephone joker have absolutely no idea why an additional joker has to come from the audience. The lady, however, is sure that it was Herbert Grönemeyer, which is why David B logs in.

But she is wrong, because the correct answer would have been Westernhagen. From 16,000 euros it goes down to 500 euros and the 23-year-old's bold appearance is over.

You can watch the entire episode on demand at RTL+. Every Monday at 8.15 p.m. RTL new WWM episodes.

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