
Spice shop visited by Kamala Harris is inundated with negative reviews

Spice shop visited by Kamala Harris is inundated with negative reviews

Kamala Harris visited a Penzeys spice store in Pittsburgh the weekend before her debate with Republican candidate Donald Trump.

On X, formerly Twitter, the Democratic candidate wrote: “I'm looking forward to using my new spices from Penzeys Spices in Pittsburgh at our next family dinner on Sunday.”

A number of Republicans have since flooded the store's Yelp page with negative reviews about the store's political stance. Penzey's website has a page titled “About Republicans” written by CEO Bill Penzey, where he says there is “no way to respect the nonsense the Republican Party promotes while also having hope to overcome the problems we face as a nation and as a planet.”

Addressing Republican voters directly, Penzey wrote on the company's website: “I like and respect most of you. Sure, there are more and more people who are here because of racism, but I still believe that the majority of you have good hearts, want to help, and do the right thing. I know you are trustworthy, honest, funny, caring, and good souls. The problem is not what you are, but what you are voting for now.”

Given his comments, the vice president's visit has angered conservatives across the country.

“Nothing but haters who openly discriminate against conservatives. Such horrible, hateful people,” wrote Ann K. of Washington on Yelp. “I suggest that all conservatives and all Democrats who are intelligent thinkers boycott this place.”

Another, Lloyd A., wrote: “No thanks! I like a company that serves all Americans, not just a part of America they agree with.”

Michael M. said the company puts “politics and ignorance above everything else” and that Penzeys is “discriminatory against at least half the population.”

Newsweek emailed Penzeys outside of normal business hours for comment.

Others have posted their support and tried to counter the negative reviews. “Amazing staff and service. Don't worry about the negative reviews here,” Tony M. wrote. “Half of them saw that the store hosted a political candidate and decided to go overboard with a fake review. The store has a welcoming atmosphere and smells wonderful!”

Kamala Harris speaks to people during a campaign appearance at Penzey's Spices in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on September 7, 2024. The store has since been inundated with numerous negative reviews.


Penzey has previously expressed his dislike of Trump. After the 2016 presidential election, he said in an email sent by The New Yorker: “The Republican Party's open endorsement of racism in this election is unleashing a wave of ugliness not seen in this country for decades. The American people are taking notice. Let's work to give people a better choice.”

During her visit to the store, Harris greeted customers and spoke with reporters while picking up her selection of spices. “People are exhausted by the division and the attempts to divide us as Americans, and they [Penzeys] “I think it is brave to make this public statement, but for people like those I just spoke to, it is an affirmation that we love our country and have more in common than what divides us,” she said, according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

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