
Why every driver likes to see it

Why every driver likes to see it

Traffic signs are often confusing and puzzling. Hardly anyone has heard of digital signs with wave symbols. We reveal what's behind them.

What does the rare sign actually look like?

Maybe you've seen it before, but didn't know what it meant to you Wave symbol on the shield The new traffic sign is digital and is unique in this form on our roads. In the upper part you see a number in a blue square. As an experienced driver you know for sure: These are fixed regulations. Blue signs with numbers and white circles indicate Directional signs Certain directions or recommended speeds are indicated. Corresponding traffic zones can also be marked with it. What really causes confusion is the green wavy line, surrounded by a white circle in the lower part of the sign.

What does the new traffic sign mean?

In Germany, more than 600 traffic signs in circulation. A total of 20 million signs transform our streets into a jungle of rules and instructions. New signs are being added almost constantly and old traffic signs are no longer needed. The “green wave” has so far only been noticed by a few drivers. The meaning actually holds the prospect of a positive surprise for you.

The upper sign shows a speed recommendation. The sign below can be taken literally. It means nothing other than a green wave. The solution to the puzzle: This confusing sign wants to tell you that you Compliance with the speed limit you will see a green wave at the next traffic lights. This means you can go ahead and avoid the annoying wait at red lights.

The following traffic signs from our photo gallery will start the guessing game again and will also give you a laugh or two.

What does the digital wave really bring?

The sign is not that new. outdated version It was also pointed out that driving through traffic lights could be stress-free if you kept to a certain speed, but not in digital form.

After the video by @fahrlehrerlukas appeared on Instagram, various comments were made. Some users were surprised and excited at the same time. In Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig, Instagram users have already experienced the “green wave”. Others are asking about the meaning and think that the notice only applies to Traffic lights close togetherwho switch regularly, is having an effect. Even if the digital green wave has not yet reached everywhere and is met with supporters, sticking to the speed limit is in any case a positive sign.

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