
Local Democrats host end-of-summer picnic

Local Democrats host end-of-summer picnic

With less than two months until Election Day, the Boothbay Region and Southport Democratic Committees celebrated the end of summer and the beginning of the campaign season with a family picnic at Boothbay Common on Saturday, September 7.

The event included a free lunch of freshly grilled burgers and hot dogs, music from local musicians and a raffle to raise money for the organization. Throughout the summer, volunteers have been busy driving candidates to events, going door-to-door and organizing letter-writing campaigns. As the election approaches, more tasks are being added.

“A lot of people didn't know there was a local Democratic branch, so we're trying to get a little awareness,” said Lucian Laurie, chairman of the Boothbay Region Democratic Committee.

During the picnic, flyers, bumper stickers and street signs for the presidential and local elections were among the items handed out. The blue-clad crowd loved the accessories, and the Harris-Walz street signs ran out in the first half hour.

Representative Holly Stover (Maine House District 48) and Senator Cameron Reny (Maine Senate District 13) gave speeches. Both are running for re-election. And Evan Goodkowsky, who is currently running unopposed for a seat as county commissioner, also spoke to voters.

Goodkowsky said he has been impressed with the consistent organization the Lincoln County Democratic Committee has shown in planning and participating in events, from their float at this year's Windjammer Days to the picnic. These opportunities have allowed him to spend time in the community while learning as much as he can about the commissioner position so he can “hit the ground running” in January.

Goodkowsky's energy was reflected in attendees and passing motorists, who frequently honked their horns. Most of the attendees interviewed attributed the mood in the air to Kamala Harris' recent takeover of the Democratic presidential nomination from incumbent Joe Biden.

“There has been a noticeable change in many of the doors I've knocked on. Older people, younger people, the middle of society. People are much more engaged in this process than they used to be,” said Cameron Reny.

If you would like to learn more about the organization or volunteer opportunities, please contact Laurie at: [email protected]

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