
Voters demand less drama in the Harris-Trump debate – Nachrichten AG

Voters demand less drama in the Harris-Trump debate – Nachrichten AG

The last debate between the US presidential candidates was marked by fierce attacks and personal insults. This dispute had lasting consequences, even leading to President Joe Biden having to withdraw from the race. Now Kamala Harris is ready as the new Democratic candidate to face former President Donald Trump in a second debate on September 10. Many voters have clear expectations of this duel: They want to hear more about political issues and less about personal attacks.

Observations show that voters from different political camps want a return to a fact-based dialogue. A Republican from Utah who voted for Biden in 2020 now plans to give his vote to Trump in the next election. He said he was curious to see how Harris would fare in direct dialogue. He is particularly interested in whether she can act authentically and without a script even in critical moments. It remains to be seen whether Trump will be able to hold back and focus on political content instead of falling back into old patterns of attack.

Different perspectives on the upcoming debate

In Colorado, a voter who voted for Biden in the last presidential election has a similar opinion. He expresses optimism about Harris's ability as a debater, recalling her strong performance in the face-off against Mike Pence four years ago. His wish is that Harris does not stoop to Trump's level, but maintains a positive message even when facing him.

An independent voter from Pennsylvania who voted for Biden in the last election is following the debate with skepticism. She doesn't plan on seeing it live, as she finds both candidates unattractive. In her opinion, debates are often just platforms for loud speeches that offer little substance. She wants either Harris or Trump to make realistic statements about actionable policies. For her, it is important to get more clarity about the candidates' real capabilities and options.

In the Republic, another voter, who previously voted for Trump, is also looking for substantive content. She sees the debate as a kind of job interview in which she wants to know how the candidates think about fighting growing poverty and the economic crisis. They confirm the desire for a serious exchange on the issues that concern her and many other citizens.

Expectations of the candidates

Another Republican who voted for Trump for the first time in 2020 also hopes the debate will be informative and entertaining. He is particularly interested in how the candidates plan to present their plans to combat illegal immigration and improve the economy. In his opinion, Trump has a clearer approach, while he accuses Harris of obfuscating or changing her positions. However, he believed that Trump's frequent appearances could be interpreted as weakness.

Despite their differing policy views, many voters are united about the upcoming debate: They want both candidates to focus on the significant challenges facing the United States. A focus on outlining concrete policies could both build trust in the candidates and help viewers make informed decisions.

At a time when political divides run deep, it remains to be seen whether the current debate can actually engage voters in meaningful discourse about the future direction of the United States. Harris and Trump face the challenge of meeting voters' expectations while presenting their political beliefs in a way that is engaging and relatable to audiences.

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