
Drama | Old love: Gerner meets his affair – and Yvonne…

Drama | Old love: Gerner meets his affair – and Yvonne…

In the series “Good times, bad times” hat Rosa Lehmann (Joana Schümer) your bank Gerner (Wolfgang Bahro) lost, but with her last counterattack she has at least managed to massively unsettle her arch enemy.

GZSZ: Rosa's Revenge

Rosa (Joana Schümer) has another surprise for Gerner. Photo: RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

As you have already noticed, Rosa had obtained information about the explosive nature of Johanna's birth from Gerner's former personal assistant Heike Rieckmann – and immediately confronted her with it.

Although Johanna initially did not want to believe that she had been sold and kidnapped by her parents as a baby, a call to Leon (Daniel Fehlow)who had brought her back to Germany from Switzerland, confirmed everything.

GZSZ: Katrin explains herself to Johanna

Although Katrin (Ulrike Frank) At least she explains why she panicked during her pregnancy – she told Johanna about the precarious circumstances under which she herself, then still Gabriele Galuba, had grown up in the Ruhr area – but her daughter still needed distance.

Johanna spontaneously decided to take a job in Tokyo after she almost exposed Gerner at the press conference announcing his appointment as the new head of Lehman Bank.

GZSZ: Does Gerner have more children?

As expected, Rosas commented on the latest incident with a sarcastic tone: “It hurts when your own child turns away from you!” And then she let the cat out of the bag: “Don't take it so hard, luckily there are other children out there to whom she can be a better father!”

GZSZ: Yvonne and Gerner TV

GZSZ | Hard to swallow: Yvonne finds out about Gerner’s affairs!

Gerner (Wolfgang Bahro) has done it. At least… Read more »

Warning, spoilers: This article contains information about the GZSZ episode that RTL will be showing on free TV next Monday, September 16, at 7:40 p.m. As always, the episode is available a week earlier on the streaming service RTL+. *

If you are interested in the series “Good Times, Bad Times”, you might also like the following contributions from the RTL cosmos:

GZSZ: Gerner initiates Yvonne

GZSZ: Gerner and Yvonne
Yvonne will support her husband. Photo: RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

“I met Rosa Lehmann,” Gerner later tells his wife Yvonne (Gisa Zach). “It's probably just hot air, but she implied that I have children I don't know about. It wouldn't be impossible, of course.”

GZSZ: Gerner meets with old affair

As we have already reported, Gerner makes a list of all his former affairs. Even though Yvonne is surprised about her husband's past, she supports him. However, when Gerner meets up with an ex-affair, everything turns out differently than expected…

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