
Knife attack on husband in court for the third time

Knife attack on husband in court for the third time

On Monday, a 33-year-old woman will appear in court for the third time in Ried for a knife attack on her husband. In the first legal process, the woman had accused her then 13-year-old daughter. When the jury then decided only on grievous bodily harm rather than attempted murder, the professional judge suspended the verdict. The verdict in the second legal process – 14 years for attempted murder – was overturned by the Supreme Court because a witness was not heard.

The trial is now entering its third round. The public prosecutor's office accuses the woman of having cut her husband, with whom she has four children, into his neck while he was sleeping with a Stanley knife or razor blade in the summer of 2022. She is said to have mixed medication into the victim's goulash beforehand. The man then became tired, lay down and was attacked. He survived thanks to emergency surgery.

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