
Private company filed complaint against Ajaero

Private company filed complaint against Ajaero

The reason why Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) President Joe Ajaero and Congress General Secretary Emmanuel Ugboaja were re-invited by the Nigeria Police Force has emerged.

It should be recalled that the police had originally summoned Ajaero on charges of “criminal conspiracy, terrorist financing, treason, subversion and cybercrime.”

However, in a second letter dated August 28, police said the latest invitation was for investigation into alleged “criminal intimidation, malicious damage to property and conduct likely to disturb the public peace.”


READ ALSO: Police again summon NLC Secretary General Ajaero

According to the report, the latest invitation was made in response to a petition from a private company and not on the basis of allegations of terrorist financing.

A source familiar with the matter, Punch said, noted that “the terrorist financing matter has been closed. The invitation was based on a new petition from a company regarding alleged disruption.”

Confirming the development, NLC Legal Counsel Femi Falana said: “A few months ago, a private company filed a complaint against the leadership of the NLC because workers were demonstrating on its premises. The complaints against Comrade Joe Ajaero are limited to criminal intimidation, conduct likely to disturb the peace and malicious damage to property.”

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