
Missing Camp Pendleton Marine still alive spotted on base, police say

Missing Camp Pendleton Marine still alive spotted on base, police say

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) – Wednesday afternoon, Carlsbad Police confirmed that missing Camp Pendleton Marine Bailey Cameron is alive and possibly at the base.

In a statement, the department said: “Recent information indicates that Bailey Cameron is at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base. Investigators attempted to contact him after being observed at Camp Pendleton, but he evaded them. After a thorough investigation and close coordination with the Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division (CID), there is no indication that Cameron's disappearance was the result of foul play or that he is in danger or under duress.”

Cameron's mother is unconvinced and says she has had no contact with her son since his disappearance.

She continues to fight for his safety and asks the public for help in bringing him home.

A spokesperson for the family sent ABC 10news a statement that said, in part, “The Carlsbad Police Department is no longer the lead investigator in the Bailey Cameron missing person case. The reason for this is that Bailey was encountered at the base by an on-duty officer on August 31st.”

The statement continued: “Bailey Cameron had no contact with his command, his family or the RAD movement, which was actively searching for him.”

The statement reads: “Bailey Cameron's family, his command and the RAD movement continue to ask for the public's help in locating Bailey. Carlsbad Police released Bailey's belongings found in Carlsbad to his parents three days ago, saying they were closing their case.”

“It gives me 1,000 percent comfort knowing he is alive,” said Juliana England, Cameron’s mother.

10News spoke with England on Wednesday before Carlsbad police released the new information about her son. Cameron had been missing since August

Family and friends had been searching for Cameron, collecting photos and surveillance videos of him, reportedly from various locations around the city. They had even called in an outside group that deals with missing persons cases.

“My message to Bailey is that there is absolutely nothing, nothing in the world that could ever diminish my love for you,” England said.

Cameron's mother with this message to her son: She is looking forward to the day he comes home.

“I'm not even going to ask questions. I just want to hold you in my arms. I just want to know you're okay,” England said.

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