
Guest Commentary: Proposals for Law Reform for Utah | News, Sports, Jobs

Guest Commentary: Proposals for Law Reform for Utah | News, Sports, Jobs

In my experience, offering solutions does much more than just complaining. At the very least, offering solutions can stimulate creativity so that great solutions can be thought of and implemented.

With that in mind, these are the outlines of my thoughts on three areas of legislation that I believe will benefit every U.S. citizen living in Utah. These thoughts have already been emailed to every member of Utah's executive and legislative branches.

  1. Illegal immigrants.
  2. Utah's education system.
  3. Strengthen the trustworthiness of Utah government.


  1. Call Utah's invasion of illegal immigrants what it is and fix the problem.
  2. For illegal immigrants who are convicted criminals here, at home or elsewhere:
    • Call out our Utah National Guard and every law enforcement agency in our state to forcibly remove any trespasser, both illegal and criminal.
    • Pass a law banning all illegal immigrants convicted of a crime from entering Utah, regardless of where the crime was committed, for the duration of a full prison sentence for that crime, up to a lifetime ban.
  3. For illegal immigrants who are not criminals and make a positive contribution to society:
    • Find ways to house/work with these individuals and families that our federal government has allowed into our country. Don't spend your money in the process.
    • Pass a law requiring the ability to speak, read and write English for immigrants wishing to stay for more than three years.

UTAH's education system

  1. Prohibit the federal government and any other persons who are not citizens of Utah from having any say or control over the education of Utah's children (grades 1 through 12).
  2. Ban all education and teacher unions and associations that are not based in Utah and that cater exclusively to Utah educators. Give our principals and school districts the power they need to do their jobs.
  3. Stop indoctrinating our children; EDUCATE them.
  4. Overhaul the funding of our entire school system, including graduate school.
  5. Bring God our Eternal Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit back to our schools.
  6. Give parents or guardians complete control over all decisions regarding their minor children under 18.


  1. Ban all political parties in Utah.
  2. Campaign reform:
    • Use today's technology to build an online system that allows any adult Utah resident who holds U.S. citizenship to run for political office without spending money.
    • Raising and spending money for election campaigns is prohibited in Utah, no matter for any office, including the presidency.
    • Allow only the candidates themselves and a small support team to campaign in Utah. Allow no outsiders to campaign in Utah for individuals, issues, or anything else.
  3. Electoral reform:
    • Return to in-person voting only and require those wishing to vote to show proof of U.S. citizenship.
    • Declare election days as non-working days or at least make it compulsory to have sufficient time off from work to participate in voting.

If you like my ideas or have ideas of your own, please let every elected official in our great state of Utah hear your voice. Anything is possible if we work together to find solutions.

David Manning has lived in Utah since birth. He is the proud grandfather of 12 children and has been married to my wonderful wife for 38 years. He has been an originator of mortgage loans for nearly 30 years, the last 17 of which have been in mortgage loss mitigation. In his spare time, he rents out real estate, is active in the stock market, fishes and grows flowers.


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