
Irish woman killed in avalanche in Argentina, local media report – The Irish Times

Irish woman killed in avalanche in Argentina, local media report – The Irish Times

According to local media reports, an Irish woman has died in an avalanche on a mountain in Argentina.

The Argentine news site La Nacion reported on Wednesday afternoon about an incident on the Cerro López mountain in the province of Río Negro.

It said that the Irish woman was one of three people who were trapped on the mountain during the landslide. The three tourists were on a cross-country skiing expedition.

The news site reported that the Irish woman's remains were recovered at the crime scene.

“The tragic incident occurred around 5 p.m. on the hill, which is part of the so-called Circuito Chico and is located 2,075 meters above sea level. A woman of Irish origin died, a man was injured and another is still missing,” the report said.

“The survivor, who was treated and managed to descend the mountain, suffered from hypothermia and was therefore unable to provide any information about his companions.”

The injured man was taken to hospital where he was treated for minor injuries and hypothermia.

The third climber was still missing after the search was called off last night. Rescue workers were expected to resume their search early Thursday morning.

A second news site, Canal26, reported that the Irish woman had visited the Rio Negro with two friends for a few days before the incident.

The Foreign Office told the Irish Times that it was “aware of the case and ready to provide consular assistance.”

“As with all consular cases, the ministry does not comment on the details of the cases,” it said in a statement.

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