
Fatal traffic accident in Karaganda: Relatives of the deceased appealed: 05 September 2024 | 18:48

Fatal traffic accident in Karaganda: Relatives of the deceased appealed: 05 September 2024 | 18:48 – The relatives of the driver who died in a serious accident are looking for witnesses to the tragic collision.

Relatives of the deceased driver Erlan Aldangarov contacted According to them, on September 2, the day of the accident, Erlan was driving a company car and on his way to work. He was a driver for the regional agricultural authority.

“Currently, information is circulating that I am the pregnant woman injured in the accident. This information is false. An investigation is underway and we ask anyone who witnessed the accident or has information to come forward,” said the deceased's wife, Dana Aldangarova.

“The accident suspect Sergey Kamaev, a businessman and owner of KazPolymer and Kazgidromash, was detained in connection with the accident. Our family fears that he may evade punishment. If anyone has details about this accident, please contact us. Help us in this difficult time,” Marzhan, the sister of the late Erlan Aldangarov, wrote on her Instagram page.

The late Erlan Aldangarov leaves behind his wife, two minor children and his elderly parents.

Photo provided by the wife of Erlan Aldangarov

The relatives of the deceased demanded a thorough and fair investigation by the authorities and a trial.

There was also a case where three people, including a small child, were injured in a collision between two cars at an intersection in Kostanay.

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