
Boyfriend blames partner for almost getting him fired

Boyfriend blames partner for almost getting him fired

Relationships have their ups and downs.

In a romantic relationship, you are a team and should not only try to bring out the best in each other, but also be there for each other in difficult times.

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The line between being a partner and behaving like one's own parents is thin.

The job of a boyfriend or girlfriend is not to take on the role of mother and father.

A woman doesn't know how to deal with her boyfriend's problematic behavior.

In a Reddit post in the very popular thread AITA (Am I The A**hole), an anonymous woman wrote about her boyfriend and their tense situation.

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In the post, she mentions that her boyfriend suffers from ADHD and has trouble getting up in the morning.

The result is that he arrives late for work and finds himself on thin ice with his boss.

Instead of taking responsibility for his actions, he made his girlfriends his problem.

Read the full story here:

Others gave helpful advice:

The majority agreed that it was actually not their fault.

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