
Justus is caught off guard by the separation!

Justus is caught off guard by the separation!

At the moment, everything in “Alles was zählt” is dominated by drama: Due to the arrest of Yannick (Dominik Flade) and the return of Nathalie (Amrei Haardt), who has turned up in Essen with her baby, the storyline surrounding Justus (Matthias Brüggenolte) and Charlie (Shaolyn Fernandez) Something that has faded into the background – until now.

“Everything that counts”: Justus gives the squad the death blow

In the new episodes, the situation in the love triangle picks up speed again. The reason for this is also the power struggle between Justus and Simone (Tatjana Clasing). Ever since Justus decided to abolish the ice skating squad in order to put the center in a better financial position in time for the IPO, the atmosphere has been tense.


“Alles was zählt”: Jenny or Charlie? Justus has chosen a woman!

What a drama at “Alles was zählt”! Justus… Read more »

Simone is determined not to lose her life's work and decides on a daring plan: she will set up her own team, which she will finance out of her own pocket, at least initially. Deniz will be there as coach, and Leyla, Charlie and Valea will remain loyal to the former Steinkamp boss.

Also interesting:

But the team's motivation is severely dampened when Justus tells Simone that he is having the ice rink remodeled to make it a Tacla flagship store. That could take months, however. Nevertheless, Justus is not allowing training to take place there until further notice.

Charlie separates from Justus

Charlie is particularly angry: “What an idiot. That's a death sentence for the squad,” she says bitterly. When Justus meets Charlie at the snack bar a little later, her anger has still not subsided – on the contrary. She tells her ex-lover off and gives him the cold shoulder.

Charlie and Justus are history.
Charlie and Justus are history. Photo: RTL/ Julia Feldhagen

But that's not all: the figure skater is also breaking up with her former boss! “As far as fun goes, I'm not up for that anymore either!” she makes clear. When Justus tries to talk Charlie into it, she draws a clear line: “I'm not your toy anymore!” So it seems as if the affair has finally come to an end. It remains to be seen whether Jenny will discover her husband's infidelity sooner or later…

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