
Former “Summer House” star Georgina Fleur reveals all about Kubi

Former “Summer House” star Georgina Fleur reveals all about Kubi

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  2. Celebrity & Show

“The Summer House of the Stars”: scandals and dramas await the viewers. © Screenshot/RTL+/The Summer House of the Stars

Even long after taking part in the “Sommerhaus der Stars”, an ex-couple continues to make headlines. Most recently at the campfire of the “Dschungelcamp”, where a family drama was revealed.

Whether it's “Jungle Camp”, “Bachelor” or “Summer House of the Stars”. Many of the participants are no strangers and some have been on the reality show stage for several years. But all that glitters is not gold, and dramas regularly play out in front of and behind the scenes.

What is “Summer House of the Stars” about?

In “The Summer House of the Stars” on RTL, celebrities move into a house with their partners and have to face numerous challenges while playing. The various tasks put their relationship through its paces. The celebrity couples experience numerous ups and downs in the RTL show. Games and conflicts provide plenty of entertainment and push the participants to their limits.

The winning couple of “Das Sommerhaus der Stars” not only wins the title of “Celebrity Couple of the Year”, but also receives a prize of 50,000 euros. In the first season, this fixed amount was supplemented by a variable prize that was played during the season. Since the second season, the fixed prize amount has been established.

title The Summer House of the Stars – Battle of the Celebrity Couples
genre Reality show
length 90 to 235 minutes
Sender RTL and RTL+

Which couple was particularly toxic in “The Summer House”?

In 2020, Georgina Fleur took part with her then-boyfriend Kubilay Özdemir. They were quickly seen as a toxic couple among the participants and viewers. Kubi, as he is also called, spat in the face of ex-“Bachelor” Andrej Mangold and thus caused negative headlines. Georgina and Kubilay voluntarily left “The Summer House of the Stars” early after the scandal.

After the show, the couple moved to Dubai and moved their lives abroad. Kubilay is said to have broken off contact not only with Georgina, but also with their daughter (3). At least that's what Georgina told Fleur in the summer jungle camp “I'm a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends” on RTL. “My daughter's father doesn't do anything either. He doesn't help me at all, I do everything on my own. He doesn't even call, he doesn't even send flowers for Christmas or her birthday. That's really sad,” said Georgina at one of the traditional campfire dinners in the jungle camp.

Where is “The Summer House”?

The mother is particularly upset that her ex apparently does not seek any contact with his daughter: “In two, three, four years, I won't know how I'm going to explain this to her. When she asks: 'Where is my daddy?'” Nevertheless, Georgina is sure that she can manage “even without a husband and without support” and she sums up: “I am happy with my little daughter.”

Fans of the “Summer House” can even rent the farmhouse, which serves as the backdrop for the RTL show. This way, real fans can follow in the footsteps of the stars and experience the special atmosphere on the grounds and in the house for themselves. The 9th season of the “Summer House of the Stars” starts on September 17, 2024 on RTL. The eleven episodes will be shown on the respective broadcast dates at 8:15 p.m. until November 26, 2024. (lu)

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