
USMC commander emphasizes need for temporary connection for coastal maneuvers

USMC commander emphasizes need for temporary connection for coastal maneuvers

The USMC relies on maritime platforms such as amphibious assault ships (pictured here), logistics ships and liaison ships. (Janes/Michael Fabey)

According to General Eric Smith, Commandant of the USMC, the US Marine Corps (USMC) will need interim connections while the force awaits delivery of its planned 35 medium landing ships, referred to by the US Navy (USN) as Landing Ships Medium (LSMs).

“We must leverage existing commercial and military capabilities that require minimal modifications and can provide supply and coastal mobility until the LSM is fully procured,” General Smith said in his planning guidelines for the 39th Commandant released Aug. 29.

“This measure will be temporary in nature and will serve as a backup to meet short-term needs,” General Smith said in the directive.

“The LSM is not an amphibious warship; it is a connector that offers a unique capability,” he stressed.

“Based on the current procurement plan for the LSM, the service requires a Littoral Maneuver Bridging Solution (LMBS) that will provide some level of organic mobility to the replacement force until the LSM fleet is deployed,” said General Smith. “The two leased rear landing ships are scheduled for delivery in fiscal year 2018. [fiscal year] [20]26 are crucial for the service experiments, but will not meet our mobility needs in the near future.”

The role of the connectors is significantly different from that of amphibious warfare ships (AWS), General Smith noted.

“An organic shore-to-shore connectivity capability is critical to supporting the mobility and sustainment of Marine Littoral Regiments (MLRs) and standby forces,” said General Smith. “The acquisition of no fewer than 35 medium landing ships remains the Marine Corps' primary effort to build this capability and is separate from the 31 AWS mandated by Congress.”

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