
How confidence in Trump's border approach has led to a surge in support for a key group of voters since 2020

How confidence in Trump's border approach has led to a surge in support for a key group of voters since 2020

Donald Trump continues to try to narrow the Democrats' lead among Hispanic voters, one of the key demographic groups that could decide the outcome of the November election.

And that's despite Kamala Harris making gains in the polls over President Joe Biden before the end of his campaign.

According to polls, Biden won among Hispanics in 2020 by 21 percentage points. Vice President Kamala Harris is now ahead in this group by 13 percentage points – which represents a gain for Trump.

Trump also fares better among Hispanic voters than Harris on immigration, which voters have called one of the most important issues this year.

According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, Trump leads Harris on immigration policy by 42 to 37.

“The Latino electorate is probably the purest swing voter group in America right now and will remain so for a long time,” Democrat and former Bernie Sanders adviser Chuck Rocha told Reuters.

Former President Donald Trump gained among Hispanic voters compared to Joe Biden in 2020. He is ahead of Kamala Harris on the immigration issue among Hispanics.

Among the electorate as a whole, Trump's lead on immigration is even greater: it is ten percentage points, 46 to 36.

And this despite the fact that Trump had repeatedly spoken of an immigration “invasion” at his rallies and vowed to carry out a nationwide deportation of all people who had crossed the border illegally.

According to a Pew Research poll analysis, Biden won the Hispanic vote by 21 percentage points in 2020. If Harris' current 13 percentage point lead among registered Hispanics holds through Election Day, it would be a sign of improvement for Trump.

Vice President Kamala Harris has improved the Democrats' poll position since she resigned after President Biden ended his campaign

However, Harris was able to gain ground among Hispanics on other issues. She is now 13 points ahead of him on the economic issue, her lead is even greater on the health issue: 18 points, and on the climate issue, she is even 23 points ahead.

These four issues are the most important to Hispanic voters. Harris's lead on the economy comes at a time when Trump leads on economic issues overall, 45 to 36.

Hispanic voters will play a paramount role in two swing states where Trump has a lead over Harris. In Arizona, a Republican-leaning state that Biden won in 2020, a new CNN poll has Trump ahead of Harris 49 percent to 44 percent. And in Nevada, where the race was virtually neck and neck, Harris was ahead of Trump 48 percent to 47 percent.

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