
“Summer House” celebrities are prescribed meat-free food

“Summer House” celebrities are prescribed meat-free food

Salad instead of ham, pulses instead of sirloin steaks: the candidates in the reality show “Sommerhaus der Stars” have been prescribed a meat-free diet this year. The broadcasting station RTL spoke on its website of a “culinary innovation” that Mann had made for the new season.

Instead of meat and sausage products, the celebrity candidates will only be given plant-based food – salad, rice and pulses will be on the “menu”. The succinct explanation: “The Summer House of the Stars is always good for a surprise.”

It should be clear that such a rule change will not be met with unanimous approval. Nutritional issues are classic bones of contention in reality shows. Vegetarian or not, a lot or a little, healthy or unhealthy – this has already set off a spiral of escalation.

Actor Raul Richter, who is taking part, was already quoted by RTL as saying: “I love steak! And I am a self-determined, free person, that's how I was raised and that's how I will live. I also need meat and I don't want to be patronized when it comes to my food.”

Sarah Kern is there

The “Summer House of the Stars” is one of RTL's most well-known reality formats. In the show, more or less celebrities move in with their partners in a kind of large shared apartment. There they have to get along with the other couples and master games together. This year, for example, designer Sarah Kern and her partner Tobias Pankow are also taking part.

The show is produced in a rustic home in Bocholt in Münsterland. The new episodes can be seen from Tuesday (September 10th) on the streaming service RTL+ and from September 17th (8:15 p.m.) on RTL on TV.

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