
Adrián Marcelo: “Una women menos para maltratar”: La violencia machista se installed en La Casa de los Famosos

Adrián Marcelo: “Una women menos para maltratar”: La violencia machista se installed en La Casa de los Famosos

El Reality show The House of Celebrities I have intervened in the program that has been the most watched in all ten years of Mexican television. More than 12,200 million reproductions on social networks and millions of telephone votes that are on the list. However, the popularity of the program was also marred by constant agitation, insults and irritations among the participants, which suppressed the tone of the discussion and reflected the normalization of the violence that it brought to an entire country.

The last example when he rang the alarm bells was the comment of the contributor Adrián Marcelo after returning from the sixth nominations gala, when he wanted to expel the contributor Gomita and called Marcelo from the gala “narcissistic, misogynistic and macho”. El Polémico youtubers I authorized the expulsion to declare: “A woman is not suitable for maltratar”, my fellow men are respected by the other housemates. These kinds of affirmations, the constant enthusiasm and the violence among the participants were checked by the product EndemolShine, responsible for the program, as in television, the limits of a format like this.

Women's organizers, activists and viewers have denounced Televisa – the country's largest television network – for being so old that it apologizes for the violence. Other critical voices have called for the immediate dismissal of the contracting party and an amonestación. “This is a type of formatting that allows the violence to be consolidated as an encounter,” said Aimée Vega Montiel, a researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Humanities at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

By the way, since the release of the program, the comments of the participant and the television station have been so valuable that it is violent content. “In Mexico there is a very punctual regulation of television (broadcasting) and we are entrusted with the direction, but the diary is transmitted guilty and there are no violent classification deadlines that do not fuel the violence in Algiers,” said Mario San Martín Robles, head of the Information, Entertainment and Sports Department, explaining this diary.

Vega Montiel stressed the importance of social media focusing on expanding the market The House of Celebritiesthe secret ingredient of this new issue, and insist on the great influence of the means of communication and “reinforce the pain that society has inflicted on women” because of the violence it causes, as well as in nourishing “the impunity that society has inflicted on women”. The professional, who reflects that the Marcelo case deals with a case of “medical violence”, recognizes the law of access to women to a life free of violence since 2021, defining it as “the violence that is emitted by a physical person”. “It is moral to use a means of communication to produce or disseminate content that is contrary to the self-respect, salvation, integrity, freedom and security of women and girls, that prevents their objective and runs counter to justice.”

The success in reality In recent weeks, the National Council for the Prevention of Discrimination (Conapred) has stated that “the encounter is not abusive, racist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic or discriminatory.” Yes, the narratives of shame are not justified,” the institution said in a communication. One of them is that the Secretariat of Women in Mexico City has also been asked to “eliminate stereotypes that are contrary to the dignity of women” and “prevent the culture of violence against women.”

In fact, it is not the first time the comedian made these kinds of comments in 2019 when he worked for the channel multimediaUsing femicide as an analogy during the replay of a football match. “It's a practical mistake to be considered a femicide. “The dead woman, she's in the area,” he said in his intervention. The words provoked a strong controversy and, a little later, his departure as a commentator.

The House of CelebritiesIn the competition to elect Wendy Guevara in 2023, which has seen people with a history of tolerance and superiority, several meters have already been doubled with a very different message. Pese a la Polémica, since the television insisted that he had made a compromise against the violence. “We continue to work in favor of the best causes and evoke any point of crime on television and in any public place,” affirmed San Martín Robles.

The last week of the last program began with Batir Records. Fueron has cast more than 28 million votes and accumulated more than 266 million hours of views through the streaming service Vix. I believe that is not the case, I am more than just a participant among the participants or a simultaneous polemicist. The wife of one of the deputy agreidas has accused Marcelo before Justice for a crime of discrimination and violence against her family. “The promoters of the program are responsible for the people they recommend to them,” said Vega Montiel, agreeing that “freedom of expression in a program is limited and apologizes for violence and discrimination.” The specialist has recorded in a new studio more than 10,000 demonstrations of violence against the women who were seen on television for a week in Mexico alone. For their part, since the producer attracted the attacks, the two producers of the program have been received by the Polémica with attempts at intimidation and direct attacks.

In the middle of the conversations about content that takes advantage of the means of communication and is able to assume the responsibility of the people who transmit them, keeping millions of viewers informed. In addition, the rating of the program with the highest view of Mexico is not suitable for the rise.

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