
Elizabeth Warren wins Republican Senate nomination in hopeless GOP bid

Elizabeth Warren wins Republican Senate nomination in hopeless GOP bid

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) defeated a Republican challenger in her re-election to the Senate on Tuesday evening, giving the Republican Party a good chance in a Democratic-dominated state whose congressional delegation is all but certain to go to the Democrats.

The Related Press At 8:42 p.m., 42 minutes after the polls closed, John Deaton declared his race. Deaton won with 60.3% of the vote, followed by Bob Antonellis with 30.3% and Ian Cain with 9.5%.

Warren, who is seeking her third term in the Senate, has not faced a tough campaign since 2012, when she defeated then-incumbent Senator Scott Brown, a Republican, and received over 60% of the vote in 2018.

Deaton, a lawyer, was by far the best-funded candidate in Tuesday's Republican primary, thanks largely to the $1 million he loaned his campaign. Deaton raised more money than Cain, the Quincy City Council president, and had about $975,000 in the bank at the end of June. Cain had $22,000 before the primary, according to the Related Press.

Warren's seat is one of 23 defended by Democrats or independents caucusing with Democrats this election cycle, compared to the 11 seats defended by Republicans. Warren's seat is considered “solidly Democratic,” and President Joe Biden received 66% in the district in the 2020 presidential election.

With Democrats firmly in control of both Senate seats and all nine House seats in Massachusetts, it will be an uphill battle for Deaton to defeat Warren even if Biden is not on the ballot this year. In the few days before Biden withdrew from the race, he was leading former President Donald Trump in Massachusetts, 47% to 29%.

Representatives Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Bill Keating (D-MA) are the only Democrats in the House of Representatives who will face Republican challengers on Tuesday.


Lynch will probably Bar owner Daniel Kelly in the general election, who has 68.2% of the vote as of 8:45 p.m. Burke had challenged Lynch in the 2022 general election but received only 30% of the vote. Biden won Lynch's district in 2020 with 67% of the vote.

Unlike some of her “Squad” colleagues, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) faced an unopposed primary. Many of the Squad members have been targeted by pro-Israel groups like AIPAC this primary cycle for their support of Palestinians in the war between Israel and Hamas. Reps. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and Cori Bush (D-MO) were unseated in June and August, respectively, by Democrats whose campaigns were funded by AIPAC and its allies.

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