
Did plant roots or chemicals poison the liquor?

Did plant roots or chemicals poison the liquor?

Although five lives have been lost and 16 persons have been arrested in the unfortunate Chikiti liquor tragedy in Ganjam district, the exact cause of these tragic deaths is still not ascertained even after 12 days.

According to reports, investigations to determine the exact cause of death are still ongoing.

According to MKCG Medical College and Hospital Principal Prof. Suchitra Das and FMT Department Head Prof. Sudeepa Das, the domestically brewed liquor could be adulterated with chemicals.

“Death occurs after consumption of liquor due to methyl alcohol. This damages the patient's eyes, which initially leads to death. However, in the case of Chikiti liquor tragedy, it is completely different. Based on the symptoms of the patients, it is suspected that other chemicals have been added to the alcohol from outside, which is yet to be ascertained,” said Suchitra.

“Excessive mixing of some substances might have made the alcohol more toxic. This increases the chances of death. We are waiting for the viscera report. The exact cause of death can be ascertained after receiving the report,” Sudeepa said.

Meanwhile, Surendra Mallick, who was arrested in connection with the incident, has confessed before Berhampur SP Sarthak Sarangi that a plant root called 'Samudi Mula' collected from the forest was mixed with the liquor to make it stronger. Sarangi suspects that the side effects of the root might have made the illegal liquor more toxic.

“They have mixed a root collected from the forest into the liquor. It is locally called 'Samudi Mula'. However, we do not yet know its botanical name. We have confiscated the root and sent it for chemical analysis,” said Sarangi.

“Earlier they may have experimented and later mixed it in alcohol. It will have side effects if mixed in large quantities,” said Sagar Tripathy, an Ayurvedic doctor.

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