
The day: show or turning point at the migration meeting?

The day: show or turning point at the migration meeting?

The day
Show or turning point at the migration meeting?

The Union is making clear demands on the migration meeting of the traffic light coalition, the Union and the federal states – while the federal government is warning against having too high expectations.

  • It is not gun laws and deportations that are the real problem, says Union parliamentary group leader Merz, but the still uncontrolled immigration pressure. The chairman of the Conference of Minister Presidents, Hesse's Prime Minister Boris Rhein, demanded: “The federal government must continue controls at the internal borders and finally begin to consistently reject people at the borders. We also need a.” Consistent implementation of the Dublin rules at European level, more safe countries of origin, asylum procedures in third countries. Of course, people must also be deported to Afghanistan and Syria. Criminals and dangerous people should have their citizenship revoked, “Deportation and detention options must be expanded.”
  • From the Federal Government’s point of view, the basis for the consultations is the “Security package”It provides for measures in three areas: a tougher approach to the return of rejected asylum seekers to their countries of origin, steps to more decisively combat Islamist terrorism and tightening of gun laws.

  • The Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Reem Alabali-Radovan, warns against a “one-sided focus on tightening migration policy”.“.

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