
Girl (8) from Germany drowns in the Adriatic Sea

Girl (8) from Germany drowns in the Adriatic Sea

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A water rescuer pulls his rescue boat out of the water on the Adriatic Sea near Bibione (archive photo) © Manfred Segerer via

An eight-year-old girl from Germany was drunk in the Italian Adriatic near Bibione. The emergency services were no longer able to help.

Update from August 27, 6:21 p.m.: The drowned girl may have had a heart condition. The portal reports that the child's mother and father told police that the girl had health problems, probably heart problems. They had not been able to observe the girl from the beach because there were so many people in the water.

The child is said to have suddenly lost consciousness at around 6 p.m. when the heat subsided. Bathers pulled her out of the water and called the beach patrol. An ambulance took the girl to the resort's first aid station, where she was given CPR for an hour. Eventually, everything was explained to her, it is said. The rescue helicopter that was supposed to take the eight-year-old to a children's hospital had to turn away. The parents are being cared for by a crisis intervention team.

Update from August 27, 11:55 am: The Italian security authorities have not provided any further information about the origin of the affected family. However, the local community is deeply concerned: “It is a tragedy,” said the head of the Bibione beach administration, Pierluigi Zulianello, at IPPEN.MEDIA“The sea was calm, it was about 31 degrees, nothing special.” Other bathers noticed that the girls had stumbled just a few meters from the shoreline. The water rescue team was called immediately. A defibrillator was also deployed. “Unfortunately, there was nothing more we could do for the girl.”

Tragedy in Bibione: Girl (8) from Germany drowns while swimming in the Adriatic Sea

First report from August 27, 10:05 a.m.: Bibione – The upper Adriatic between Rimini and Grado in northern Italy is considered safe waters for holidaymakers from Germany or Austria, especially if they are travelling with children. The water is shallow, there are few waves and hardly any current. Nevertheless, a tragic accident has now occurred in Bibione, east of Venice.

Tragedy in Bibione: Girl (8) from Germany drowns while swimming in the Adriatic Sea

An eight-year-old German girl was found drunk while swimming near the central Piazza Zenit in Bibione. According to initial reports from the police, the girl, who according to her parents could swim, went into the water with her parents, who were watching her from the beach.

Italy: Bathers raised the alarm – help for girls from Germany came too late

Many people were in the water in the heat, so the father and mother did not notice that he was in trouble, reports ilfattoquotidianoAfter the alarm went off, a lifeguard brought the little girl to shore and doctors from the nearby emergency room took care of her. Unfortunately, any help came too late. A rescue helicopter from Padua flew to the scene, but the crew was unable to help the girl.

The Carabinieri are now investigating the incident. According to reports, the girl could swim but got into difficulties in shallow water. It is currently suspected that the child may have had health problems.

The tragedy is reminiscent of the drama involving a two-month-old girl in Fortmentera, Spain. Boulders fell on the child and her father. Despite resuscitation efforts, the baby died on the beach.

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