After the fatal attack on a 61-year-old in Sarstedt, Lower Saxony, this has died police a suspect was arrested. The arrest took place at around 9:15 p.m., according to Hildesheim police. This was preceded by intensive investigations and search measures. The police did not comment further. They referred to a joint press release with the Hildesheim public prosecutor's office planned for Tuesday.

In the suspected stabbing attack near the Railroad station The 61-year-old died in Sarstedt. The man was so badly injured on Monday morning around 10 a.m. in the area of ​​Bahnhofstrasse that he died on the spot a short time later, a police spokesman said.

The officers were deployed with a large contingent around the train station in the small town in the district Hildesheim in action. Initial investigations quickly pointed to a possible suspect. The search then involved using a helicopter, among other things. A police spokesman said during the day that there was currently “no indication of a terrorist background.”

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