
Promotion mission without figurehead Robin Nuding

Promotion mission without figurehead Robin Nuding

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Coach Anton Nuding prepared his wrestler for the upcoming season. © Oliver Giers

Sensation at KSV Aalen: Robin Nuding is leaving Aalen and moving to the 2nd Bundesliga East. Despite this, the team is hoping to be promoted this time.

Eels. It is a farewell that leaves emotional scars. “It hurts,” says Julian Meyer from the KSV Aalen coaching duo. “We have had to let our figurehead, Robin Nuding, go, but he will have our full support.”

Father and coach Anton Nuding full of pride

Robin's father Anton Nuding, who trains KSV Aalen together with Meyer, is proud of his son's decision before the start of the state league on Saturday at KG Baienfurt/Ravensburg II (7.30 p.m.) with mixed feelings. “It was extremely difficult for him.” “He is a thoroughbred Aalener, but for him it is the next step,” says the 54-year-old former Bundesliga wrestler.

Nuding for Greiz on the mat

And this step is now called the 2nd Bundesliga East. Robin Nuding will be playing there for the Thuringian club RSV Rotation Greiz. “He will be very challenged there, but that's why he's taking the step,” says Anton Nuding, who reveals that his son has had several inquiries about which clubs they are, but keeps to himself which. In Thuringia, however, the overall package was right for his son.

Robin Nuding continues as KSV individual starter

As Meyer explains, Robin Nuding is not out of the world of KSV Aalen. “He still trains here and remains with us as an individual starter, for example at the Württemberg or German championships.” Robin is no longer wrestling for us in the state league.”

Gap can be filled

The coaching team emphasizes that the KSV can quickly compensate for Robin's departure, at least in sporting terms. “We have high-quality wrestlers for the league. “He's not going to tear a hole now,” says Anton Nuding. The 32-year-old Meyer adds: “It's also an opportunity for the other wrestlers.” In addition to Robin Nuding, the Moldovan Marius Uja has also left the KSV for logistical reasons. As a replacement for the heavyweight, the club signed the Ukrainian Mykyta Lovin from the Hessian top division club SV Fahrenbach.

Will promotion be successful on the third attempt?

After two consecutive runner-up finishes in the regional league, the goal is clear: promotion to the association league. KSV Unterelchingen, one of the top teams, deservedly rose to the championship last year. But: “Now it's our turn,” says Meyer confidently, and gives the reasons for his optimism: “The boys have worked hard in preparation, have developed further and also have the talent to gain a foothold in higher leagues.” 54-year-old Nuding is also confident in his wrestlers. “The team has stabilized, so the goal is clearly promotion,” says Nuding senior.

Many second teams in the league

But it won't be easy in the next round. The teams from the Bundesliga clubs Baienfurt/Ravensburg II, Red Devils Heilbronn II and SG Weilimdorf II were particularly difficult to assess. And there is another factor. “KSV Aalen has a name. “The opposing teams are particularly motivated against us,” says Nuding. If KSV performs well, you can't look at the other teams, so Nuding continues. With faith in their own strengths, they should be able to achieve promotion at the third attempt.

Robin Nuding has completed a few training sessions with the KSV Aalen team during the preseason, but will not start for KSV Aalen in the team round. The 19-year-old is moving to the 2nd Bundesliga East.
Robin Nuding has completed a few training sessions with the KSV Aalen team during the preseason, but will not start for KSV Aalen in the team round. The 19-year-old is moving to the 2nd Bundesliga East. © Oliver Giers

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