
Child labor violations are on the rise. Congress, stop children being exploited

Child labor violations are on the rise. Congress, stop children being exploited

We call on lawmakers to strengthen existing penalties for employers who ignore the law and exploit and endanger children.


It may seem contradictory to say that on Labor Day we should turn our attention to a subgroup of the American population that should not be working, or at least should not be working in jobs that are completely unsuitable for them: children.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the number of minors involved in documented child labor law violations (not counting those that are never reported) increased by a staggering 472% between 2015 and 2023. The youth work night shifts, long hours, and in dangerous environments.

It is not difficult to assume that, given the growing labour shortage in this country, employers are turning to workers under the age of 18 to fill this gap.

It shouldn't be like that.

Violations against child labor are increasing

During the industrial age of the early 20th century, children made up a large portion of the workforce in factories and mines, leading to inhumane abuses and calls for legal protections from groups like the National Consumers League.

Congress responded by passing the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938, which, among other things, limited the number of hours minors could work, reduced their exposure to unsafe jobs, and ensured that they did not have to work during school hours.

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This was a historic victory for the National Consumers League, which is now celebrating its 125th anniversary. But the harsh reality is that the organization must once again make child labor reforms a top priority.

Despite the protections of the Fair Labor Standards Act, recent news reports highlight the alarming rise in child labor law violations across the United States. This rise is accompanied by efforts, led primarily by Republicans and industry, to attack state labor laws in an effort to weaken the FLSA.

Over the past three years, 28 states have introduced bills to relax child labor laws, and a dozen states have enacted them, the Economic Policy Institute reported in February.

Instead of protecting children, lawmakers are working to dismantle their safety nets

It is incomprehensible that, instead of trying to correct a situation that is so obviously wrong, attempts are being made to relax restrictions on dangerous work for young people and to increase the number of hours they are allowed to work.

Instead of trying to protect children, lawmakers follow industry demands and make it easier to exploit them.

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Children are falling asleep in school today because they are coming straight from the night shift to class. Teachers have contacted the authorities when they found chemical burns on the pupils' limbs. A teenager had to have both legs amputated after an accident at work for a construction company.

In May, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that a Tennessee cleaning company had agreed to pay nearly $650,000 in civil penalties after federal investigators found that the company employed at least 24 children at two slaughter and meat processing plants.

And just this month, a 16-year-old was electrocuted while working as a roofer.

We call on lawmakers to strengthen existing penalties for employers who ignore the law and exploit and endanger children.

On this Labor Day, it is right and necessary to call on our policymakers to renew their commitment to the health, safety and well-being of all our children – and to recognize their value as part of this country’s future, not as cheap labor.

Sally Greenberg is CEO of the National Consumers League and chair of the Child Labor Coalition.

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