
Stefan Mross cracks a joke on “Immer wieder sonntags” and unsettles child guest

Stefan Mross cracks a joke on “Immer wieder sonntags” and unsettles child guest

The penultimate edition of “Immer wieder sonntags” is broadcast, Stefan Mross welcomed Hansi Hinterseer, Julian Reim, Tim Peters and Romy Kirsch, among others, to Europapark Rust.

But not only established artists, young talents also got their chance, according to Lavinia from Mannheim. Before she could show what she was capable of musically, the presenter cross-examined her. “Is he nice to you?” he wanted to know when he saw the girl's older brother.

The host was not satisfied with her answer “not always” and asked for her name. “Ben,” answered Lavinia. Not an unusual name, but the reaction was unusually strange, even for Stefan Mross: “Ben? The bells will ring when you go to London. To Big Ben.” The moment of embarrassment was over when Lavinia was allowed to do what she was angry about: demonstrate her singing talent.

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