
Paul Stanley commented on the fans of Mario Bezares who had “nominated” him to visit the famous house

Paul Stanley commented on the fans of Mario Bezares who had “nominated” him to visit the famous house

Paul Stanley had no relationship with Mario Bezares (Photos: Twitter@VengaLaAlegria // Instagram@paulstanleyd)

A few years ago, controversial and a laborious legal path, the conductor Mario Bezares I found a new opportunity in El. Reality show en TV The house of the famous Méxicoa program that allowed him to show another facet of his personality and to gain the sympathy of the public. Nevertheless, your participation in the program was repeated Paul StanleySon of the suspect Paco Stanleyquien fue amigo cercano de Bezares.

Cada miércoles, in the programa matutino Hello, You will receive suggestions that you must select after possible eliminations Reality show. Paul Stanley, who was part of this school, focused on the integrants of the team before last August.

On August 28, Stanley nominated Adrián Marcelo, Mario Bezares and Ricardo Peralta, who ran as Attorney General on social media but did not make a bid for their elections.

Mario Bezares visited the program “Hoy” to announce his appearance at LCDLF, but Paul was not present (Televisa)
Mario Bezares visited the program “Hoy” to announce his appearance at LCDLF, but Paul was not present (Televisa)

Please note that these nominations are not addressed directly to you realityThe seguidores of Bezares interpreted Stanley's decision as a racing instructor that the conductor had, and who had questioned him at the moment he became involved in the act of Paco Stanley, although he could not be guilty.

“Paul Stanley cannot take care of him and guard him before he leaves Mario Bezares”; “Paul Stanley lives traumatized with Mario Bezares”; some people señalaron.

In his response to critics and speculation in society, Paul Stanley turned to X. to give him the answer, noting that the case about his father's death was aborted and urging not to normalize a tragic situation.

“Ching*n mucho with the topic, tenía 13 anñitos (…) only no normalicemosmos algo tragico, all son jueces y creen tener la razón, no mamen, respeten y, si quieren apoyar, el caso está abierto,” wrote Stanley .

Paul Stanley spoke out against his critics (Photo: Recorte)
Paul Stanley spoke out against his critics (Photo: Recorte)

Previously, Paul had dealt with the feeling of revenge that had its origin in his father's velour, when Bezares offered him a phone number that could not be contacted either, and he reflected that he had been alone for 13 years, more than a moment of great vulnerability ago.

“I had another concept, but on my master's velour I said: 'This is necessary' and thought a telephone was broken.” Ya nunca supe nada de el, yo tenía 13-14 años, o sea My other phone that hasn't had time yet“Now I am in this moment because I could not contact my brothers, I wanted to do my best,” he said in the program The Saga.

Paul Stanley was convinced by Mario when he thought his phone number was lost (Photo: Instagram)
Paul Stanley was convinced by Mario when he thought his phone number was lost (Photo: Instagram)

Based on the information, Stanley stopped interacting with Bezares as soon as he attended the program HelloPrefiriendo quedarse en your camera para no cruzar palabras con él.

Meanwhile, Bezares has caught the attention and attention of the public when he recited one million followers on Instagram, which was even more meaningful to him The house of the famous México.

The relationship between Paul Stanley and Mario Bezares proves that it has been absent for a long time, even in public scenes such as television and social media. This is a discrepancy between the history of the media and the impact of serious tragic events in the past and the difficulty of navigating the public environment.

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