
Teenager stabbed to death by cousin

Teenager stabbed to death by cousin

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya — A 16-year-old teenager was fatally stabbed by his cousin and a classmate during a brawl in Barangay Tokod, Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya on Thursday night, police said in a belated report.

Kasibu Deputy Police Chief Captain Joey Flores said the stabbing incident involving a 17-year-old suspect occurred during a drinking session with seven others.

When the victim became drunk, he allegedly started punching the walls of an abandoned house they were staying in. The fit of rage caused the friends to run away, leaving only the suspect behind.

When the suspect attempted to calm the victim down, the victim angrily turned on him and choked him. In an act of self-defense, the suspect allegedly stabbed the victim with a hunting knife.

The suspect fled the scene, leaving behind his cousin's lifeless body. His body was found the next day.

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Due to the remote location of Barangay Tokod, where houses are far apart from each other, there were no witnesses to the crime.

The suspect confessed the incident to his parents, who then handed him over to the authorities.

The suspect was remanded in custody at Kasibu Police Station and is under the supervision of the Women and Children Protection Agency. She will be handed over to the Ministry of Social Welfare and Development upon completion of the judicial investigation into a murder case.

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