
Shipyard owner comes forward as sole witness – new details in the “Bayesian” drama

Shipyard owner comes forward as sole witness – new details in the “Bayesian” drama

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Intrigue surrounding the mega yacht “Bayesian”: A surveillance clip and the witness statement now mark the turning point in the investigation.

Porticello – The dramatic events surrounding the sinking of the luxury yacht “Bayesian” off the Italian coast have caused a stir. New evidence, including a surveillance video from the Rosalia Orlando shipyard, could now be crucial for the ongoing investigation. The Italian coast guard has already confiscated the recordings.

Owner of the shipyard is an eyewitness to the mysterious sinking of the luxury yacht “Bayesian”

Rosalia Orlando, the owner of the shipyard in Porticello, is the only witness to the tragic incident. On the advice of her customers, she has now decided to report on the events of the night of the accident. “I have not seen the video yet, but it is certainly interesting because it captures this stretch of sea,” Orlando said in an interview with the “Corriere della Sera” (English: “Corriere della Sera”).

Orlando had already kept an eye on the “Bayesian” the night before. “No one has ever anchored in such an exposed place,” she reportedly told a Coast Guard officer. His only response, however, was: “Rosalia, you don't decide where someone should anchor.”

Eyewitness sees ship rocking – with sails set

Orlando returned to the shipyard during the night “to load the tanker, which I do every other day,” she told the Italian newspaper. It had already rained heavily in the afternoon. “I went to the pier to look at the sailboat because it had broken down, instead of letting go of the chain and turning on the engine.”

They observed the ship moving and rocking as if it were shaking. “Perhaps the anchor jerked and was dragged along the bottom,” she speculated. “I also saw some sails flapping,” before the mast fell over, the owner of the shipyard. Her statement caused surprise, but the other people present, all fishermen, confirmed her observations: “Rosalia knows what she's saying.”

Investigations against the captain of the “Bayesian” are ongoing

The decision to set sail in a severe storm raises many questions. Experts point out that setting sail in such conditions is extremely risky and can destabilize the ship. The fact that the coast guard ignored Rosalia's warnings could also lead to further debate.

Were the sails of the “Bayesian” set despite the storm? © Perini Navi Press Office Handout/Imago

The public prosecutor's office has now launched investigations against two other crew members. James Cutfield, the yacht's New Zealand captain, is already facing charges of negligent homicide and culpable causing of an accident. Cutfield is currently at large and has left Italy to wait for the results of the autopsies in his home in Mallorca.

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