
Swerving on the motorway: Grand Duchy police stop drunk driving

Swerving on the motorway: Grand Duchy police stop drunk driving

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LUXEMBOURG. The Grand Ducal Police reported several drunk driving incidents yesterday (Friday) in various locations in the Grand Duchy. The drivers in question were driving in zigzags.

Yesterday at around 13:00, the Police Grand-Ducale was informed of a female driver who Swerving on the A1 motorway The person was stopped shortly before the Munsbach exit. The alcohol test was positive and a temporary driving ban was issued and the car was confiscated by order of the public prosecutor.

At around 4 p.m. another driver was reported Serpentine lines on the CR136 In Consdorf was on the way. Here too, the Alcohol test positive and a temporary driving ban issued.

In the evening, around 9.30 p.m., a caller reported a driver who was driving without lights and zigzagging towards Bollendorf War. The person was found shortly afterwards in Echternach by the police, the Alcohol test was also positive here. His driving license was confiscated. (Source: Police Grand-Ducale)

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