
Drama at Munich bathing lake: Rescue workers succeed in resuscitation

Drama at Munich bathing lake: Rescue workers succeed in resuscitation

The 77-year-old man was swimming in Lake Langwieder with his wife, according to the Munich Fire Department. According to the report, the man lost consciousness very close to an emergency call box on land and then went under. His companion called for help. An emergency call was made via the emergency call box and the local water rescue service was notified directly. Water rescuers were immediately taken to the scene of the accident in boats and at the same time sent a report to the integrated control center. According to the report, this alerted additional water rescue units, the fire department and the emergency services.

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Resuscitation successful, still in critical condition

Within a few minutes, the water rescue team was able to locate the man with snorkelers. They, together with rescue divers, pulled the 77-year-old out of the water and began resuscitation. Emergency services and firefighters continued the resuscitation and initiated intensive care measures. The man was then transported to a Munich hospital in a very critical condition. A crisis intervention team was deployed to look after the companion.

The fire department does not have any further information about the man's health condition.

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