
Sarah Knappik suffers after nasty hate attacks

Sarah Knappik suffers after nasty hate attacks

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Jungle camp star Sarah Knappik is massively attacked on the Internet after her outbursts in the RTL camp and cancels her participation in “The legendary hour after”.

Cologne – The fact that there is not always peace in the jungle camp is nothing new for the stars and fans of the format, and the current edition of Legends is no exception. In “I'm a Star – The Legendary Hour After”, the biggest conflicts are discussed again with the celebrities who have now returned and are connected live. A situation that Sarah Knappik (37) apparently feels overwhelmed by after receiving hostility online.

Hostility on the internet after Sarah Knappik's jungle outburst

After an argument with Gigi Birofio (25) on day 15 in the jungle, Sarah Knappik became so angry that she also lashed out at other campers. Although she apologized to everyone afterwards, she was unable to make up for her outburst with either the other stars or the viewers. Her Instagram channel was showered with hostility and criticism.

The fact that Knappik is stung by a bee in the jungle on day 16, but reports in the camp that it was a “terribly violent hornet” is the final straw for the audience. After the hate comments, Sarah cancels her appearance on “I'm a Celebrity – The Legendary Hour After”. She lacks the strength to explain herself on the show, reports presenter Olivia Jones (54), as at can be seen in the video.

Sarah Knappik cancels appearance on “The legendary hour after” after hate attacks

Fellow camper Danni Büchner (46), who was connected, spoke to the mother of one of her daughters on the phone and said: “Sarah is not feeling well at all, she was crying too. She is taking a lot of things that happened in this camp with her and I am so sorry about that.” Knappik also commented on the situation on Instagram and wrote: “The last few days have been very emotionally stressful for me. I had to deal intensively with the way in which my participation in the 'Jungle Camp of Legends' was perceived in public.”

Sarah Knappik at “Showdown of the Jungle Legends”.
Sarah Knappik at “Showdown of the Jungle Legends”. © RTL

She then tried to explain herself in a longer statement and appealed to her followers to stop the hate on the internet. Finally, the 37-year-old hopes to find a way back to a “respectful and harmonious coexistence”. Georgina Fleur (34) also had to apologize for a jungle camp outburst. Sources used:,

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