
Deadly knife attack among asylum seekers in Ravensburg – Southwest

Deadly knife attack among asylum seekers in Ravensburg – Southwest

An asylum seeker is stabbed to death by another refugee in Ravensburg. There is said to have been an argument beforehand. The background is still unclear. There have also been threatening situations in other places.

| Photo: David Pichler (dpa)” alt=”Police officers are investigating… | Photo: David Pichler (dpa)” aria-labelledby=”imgLabel1″ width=”980″ height=”653″ fetchpriority=”high”/>

Police officers are investigating the crime scene. A 25-year-old man was fatally injured with a knife in Ravensburg. Photo: David Pichler (dpa)

The background to a fatal dispute between asylum seekers in Ravensburg in Upper Swabia is still unclear. A 25-year-old from Somalia was stabbed to death on Friday evening. According to police, a dispute between the man and a 31-year-old asylum seeker from Gambia had previously escalated in front of a supermarket. The suspected perpetrator is expected to be brought before a judge on Saturday. The police also questioned witnesses.

It is said not to have been the first dispute

During the altercation, the older man seriously injured his opponent with a knife. The 25-year-old Somali was taken to hospital by ambulance, where he died on Friday evening.

A police patrol that happened to be on the scene arrested the suspected perpetrator, the 31-year-old Gambian. The police say the two had already clashed on Thursday. The investigation, which has been taken over by the Ravensburg Criminal Investigation Department, is ongoing.

Mayor: Time to do something

Simon Blümcke, the non-partisan mayor of Ravensburg who is responsible for public order, was shocked. He took the incident as an opportunity to demand more visibility from security forces – from police foot patrols to municipal security services. Action must also finally be taken on the issue of video surveillance: “It's about people's safety.”

Dispute over asylum accommodation in Herbolzheim ended in knife attack

On Thursday evening, an argument broke out between two men in the parking lot of an asylum accommodation in Herbolzheim. A 31-year-old was injured with a knife. During the argument, a 27-year-old man is said to have pulled out a knife and stabbed a 31-year-old with it.

The 27-year-old suspect, who is stateless according to the police, was arrested and is now in custody. The 31-year-old suffered stab wounds and cuts and had to be taken to a hospital by the emergency services. Read more

Threatening situation also in Wendlingen

A dispute between two Gambian residents of a refugee shelter in Wendlingen (Esslingen district) also escalated on Friday. A 34-year-old is said to have threatened a 27-year-old fellow countryman with a bread knife and an axe. During the altercation, the younger man is said to have suffered minor injuries to his hand from the knife.

Due to the initially unclear situation, several patrol crews from the Nürtingen and Kirchheim police stations as well as the police dog handler squad were called to the scene. The older man was initially arrested and released after the police measures had been completed. His opponent was treated as an outpatient by an ambulance service.

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