
Is freedom of speech dead, or are we just being told it is?

Is freedom of speech dead, or are we just being told it is?

Is freedom of speech really dead in this country or is it just a matter of collective imagination?

We will never all believe the same, want the same, do the same, behave in the same way! Surely all these differences are the real signs of our human nature, our individualism, our aspirations and our desire to pass on this world in which we live (for such a short life span) to those who come after us.

I understand the desires of some who care deeply about an issue and firmly believe that their course of action is the right and correct one, but that doing so may upset others who may not share their views.


However, simply excluding them from the discussion is, in my opinion, a clear sign that you are failing to convince others of the validity of your point of view or opinion.

When it comes to those who hold “positions of power” – local or national – it seems that “we” (the common people) are now forced to capitulate to the beliefs and demands of those elected to represent us locally, nationally or internationally, in stark contrast to the idea of ​​genuine representation of “our” collective views – and the common good of our country.

Tolerance and understanding are often replaced by authoritarianism and strict conformity.

Like many thousands of other residents of this country, it is not my intention to offend anyone by my conduct, to impose my views or beliefs on others, or to cause unrest. My thoughts are simply that, my own.

Regardless of whether someone else agrees, disagrees, or has a diametrically opposed view, I will continue to hold my views, etc.

Whether I express them or not is solely my decision as a human being.

I, like others, may be wrong about many things, but acting in a way that dismisses, invalidates, obstructs, or simply ignores the views of others is, to me, the greatest loss in our society today.

I hope for a better future than the one I presently envision. – D. HALL, Newark.

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