
Secret plans! Declaration of war on his TV successor?

Secret plans! Declaration of war on his TV successor?

Stefan Raab: He plans TV show at the same time as “TV total”

Germany’s once most popular showmaster – is he a bad loser? Or why is Stefan Raab (57) suddenly competing with his successor? According to reports in “Bild”, Raab will return to the screen with a new show on RTL in September. On Wednesdays, of all days, at the same time as the ProSieben show “TV total”, which he himself once made big.

Stefan Raab: He once stood up for him himself

In the industry, people are talking about a declaration of war on Sebastian Pufpaff (47) – and that comes as a surprise. After all, three years ago, Raab is said to have personally ensured that the cabaret artist revived his long-running hit show “TV total”. Which he succeeded in doing! Colleague Oliver Pocher (46) has a suspicion that Raab was just as moved. In his podcast “Die Pochers – Frisch recycled!” he explained that the “TV-total sting” probably runs deep in the Cologne native. And while in the beginning everything was said to have been rosy between predecessor and successor, in recent years increased tensions behind the scenesthe newspaper report continues. Raab's page also featured the long-standing “TV total” band Heavytones, who announced their departure from ProSieben and have apparently joined the former presenter's new show. It remains to be seen to what extent Stefan Raab will play a role in the new show or whether he will only act in the background. But fans can already look forward to his return: on September 14th he will challenge boxing world champion Regina Halmich (47) to a second rematch in front of the cameras.

This article first appeared in the print edition of VIEL SPASS. You can read more exciting star news in the current issue of VIEL SPASS – new at the kiosk every Wednesday.

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