
Florence Pugh suffers from a rare disease that forced her to move from England to Spain

Florence Pugh suffers from a rare disease that forced her to move from England to Spain

Florence Pugh has previously spoken about a rare disease she was diagnosed with as a child and which prompted her move from England to Spain.

Not all health problems are clear and obvious, so it can be a big surprise when celebrities reveal a previously unknown diagnosis or health problem.

And during the performance on Running Wild with Bear Grylls In 2022, Pugh decided to speak openly about her own health condition.

The couple traveled to Costa Rica and began their trip by jumping out of a helicopter as if they were straight out of an action movie.

During the 48-hour journey, they also navigated rivers, rapids and waterfalls, but more personal topics also came to the table.

Pugh explained that she suffers from a rare disease and that she and her family moved from England to Spain on the advice of her doctors.

Pugh spoke openly about her health condition. (Gilbert Flores/Variety via Getty Images)

The actress spoke about her family's decision to move to another country based on doctor's advice when Pugh was between three and six years old.

She said: “We were in Spain because I have a breathing problem and when I was younger I was simply advised that a warmer climate would be better.”

“I have asthma and also a condition called tracheomalacia, so I had a different respiratory system from a young age.

“Now, as an adult, it doesn't affect me as much as it did when I was younger, unless I get sick.”

What is tracheomalacia?

Tracheomalacia is a rare condition that can cause the walls of the windpipe to collapse and block a person's airways, making breathing very difficult.

Fortunately, Pugh no longer seems to be as troubled by her illness as she was when she was younger.

As a child she moved to Spain. (Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)

As a child she moved to Spain. (Lionel Hahn/Getty Images)

Pugh is not the only Hollywood star to speak openly about a serious illness. Running Wild with Bear Gryllswhen Ashton Kutcher also talked about a major medical threat.

He revealed that he suffered from a rare form of vasculitis, a disease that causes the walls of blood vessels to thicken and limit or even cut off blood supply to certain parts of the body.

It is a potentially life-threatening illness that left the actor temporarily unable to see, hear or walk, and Kutcher believes he is “lucky to be alive” after his experience with it.

The long-running series follows Grylls as he guides a celebrity through harsh or hostile environments while she reveals personal truths about herself.

Numerous prominent guests appeared on the show, including former US President Barack Obama.

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