
This sign can save you in times of need

This sign can save you in times of need

You've probably seen the blue and white sign with the black key before. But do you know what the traffic sign means?

When driving in Germany, you will come across a variety of traffic signs. Although most of them are self-explanatory, there are also some that puzzle drivers. For example, a blue and white sign with a black key in the middle.

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Blue and white shield with black key: This is the meaning

Keeping track of the signs in Germany is not always easy. Fortunately, drivers do not necessarily have to know all the traffic signs. However, you should know what the blue and white sign with the black key means. It can help you rescue in times of need.

Traffic signs
The sign depicts a so-called Englishman (© Mediatus)

But what does the symbol stand for? The symbol in the middle could easily be mistaken for a tower. Many drivers might therefore think that there is a radio tower somewhere nearby. But that is not the case. Instead, the key, which is shown on the white background, symbolizes a so-called Englishman – a tool that used in car repair shops. This basically solves the mystery.

The traffic sign can save you in an emergency

The traffic sign is practical because it tells you that a workshop nearby If your car breaks down and you see this sign, you don't have to call the ADAC straight away.

Nevertheless, many drivers are unaware of the breakdown assistance sign. In 2010, like many other signs, it was Optical. Previously, the roadside assistance sign was a blue rectangle with a small white square on which an Englishman made himself known. The sign was mounted vertically. The sign itself is now also square, and the white area with the tool is much larger and therefore easier to see. We also reveal what the traffic sign with the sign 277.1 means.

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