
CGDIS: 7 injured with 7 accidents in Donneschdeg

CGDIS: 7 injured with 7 accidents in Donneschdeg

Worth USD 16.50, the refund was made by CGDIS to N7, well I bought a motorbike and a car with this package.

Virop reports the CGDIS, which is now 7.48 hours to Stengefort on Rue de Koerich 2 cars for pake kruten. Derbäi gouf eng Personsoun blessed.

At 9.54 Auer was at the Lëpschter Dällt Towards Houschent d'Chute from a motorcyclist. Heibäi gouf awer kee wont.

Another accident was a blessed man and then a nominee at the Stawelerstrooss to HuldangTwo birds had run up.

Geint 14.10 Auer gouf et e weideren Accident tëschent tëschent 2 cars at the Areler Strooss Stroosswoubäi two people goufen blessed. The rescue dump from the city, Bartreng and Mamer were on the Asaz.

In an accident, a motorcycle was tested with a car of 15.34 years Grolenster on the Rue de Blumenthal gouf and ee Blesséieren, genee also at 3.41 p.m. Auer closed Eschweiler. Hei stoung en Auto on the Kopp. In Grolënster there were d'Ambulanz and d'Pompjeeë vu Jonglënster am Asaz, in Eschweiler there were d'Ekippe vu Mäertert a Mensder op der Plaz.

On August 14th It came to CGDIS, then followed Heebott to Bruch at the Gemeng Biwer, where it was burned.

Géint 16.50 Auer koum et dunn to be further accident op der N7 tëschent Fleiber at the MaarkebaachHe brought six motorists and a motorcycle to the scene. Two people were blessed, they both went to the Spider. Strooss was about 20 minutes ahead of the traffic in the other direction, although he was no longer there.

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