
Aggressive youths: knife attack on rainbow family – Baden-Württemberg

Aggressive youths: knife attack on rainbow family – Baden-Württemberg

Michaela on the rainbow bench in front of the Catholic St. Peter Church in Bad Waldsee. Photo: © Sichtlichmensch/Andy Reiner

Michaela did not take the decision to change from a man to a woman lightly. Also because it affects her wife and children. Her family stands by her. But young people throw eggs at her house and insult her. One even reaches for a knife.

It could actually be a story with a happy ending. What it's like when you struggle and doubt for a long time – and then feel like you've done the right thing and have arrived. Michaela (46) experienced exactly that. Because how do you become the person that a man has felt for so long without offending or even losing everyone you live with? Michaela went from being a man to being a woman. That's a big step if, like her, you want to take it with responsibility for your wife and two children. In the living room of the four of them, happy family photos hang on the walls: mother, mother, daughter, son. The already shrunken balloons from a child's birthday party still hang above the coffee table. Pure family life in Upper Swabia.

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