
Man rants in court with 16 words as he is jailed for sexually abusing a sleeping woman

Man rants in court with 16 words as he is jailed for sexually abusing a sleeping woman

The business owner insisted that “nothing happened” and said, “this is a nightmare.”

Ryan Canavan
Ryan Canavan(Picture: Merseyside Police)

A man ranted that “nothing happened” as he was jailed for sexually assaulting a sleeping woman. Ryan Canavan sneaked into the bedroom where his elderly female victim was sleeping and groped her after drinking a dozen beers and smoking cannabis.

In proceedings before Liverpool Crown Court, it was found that the plaintiff had been staying at the same address as the now 29-year-old in Springwood Grove, Kirkby, at the time of the incident in 2022. After a night of drinking, she slept alone in a bedroom while the defendant is said to have consumed twelve cans of Corona and smoked cannabis over the course of the evening.

Prosecutor Henry Riding described how she woke up at around 6am to find Canavan groping her breasts under her clothing and with his other hand inside her jeans. She then ran down the stairs crying and screaming but was pursued by her attacker.

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He then exposed himself to her and told her “she was not with a 28-year-old boy.” Canavan has already been convicted three times for five criminal offenses, was imprisoned in 2013 for assault and also has a previous conviction for drink-driving.

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Gerald Baxter, the defense attorney, told the court today, Friday: “I can say little, if anything, about the facts of the case. There is nothing like that in his file. There is another side to this man. He has a business. That speaks very highly of him.”

“He used to work as a mechanic in a car repair shop and was always in permanent employment, but then he became interested in restoring classic cars. He did this part-time and on the move, restoring cars in other people's gardens.

“Then he started getting requests for it and went from being a mechanic to starting his own business. He specialised in Volkswagens, particularly Volkswagen camper vans and Beetles, but also one or two other cars.

“As far as I know, it started three years ago. He employs someone to weld and so on, but he himself works full-time for him. That paints a different picture of this man. He has worked hard to build a business.

“He has continued to deny it. He seems like a very depressed, anxious and worried young man who is aware of the seriousness of his situation and the possible consequences. He is lucky to have his family and friends by his side.

“The fact of this conviction will not help his reputation, but he obviously has a good reputation when it comes to his business activities. That could help keep him out of trouble.”

“His problem seems to be that he drinks too much. He works hard during the day, but then drinks too much and smokes cannabis in the evening, which affects his behaviour.

“He is capable of behaving. Some help with his alcohol and cannabis addictions would be in everyone's best interests, especially his own and those around him.”

Canavan was found guilty of sexual assault by a jury. He was jailed for 18 months this morning, to which he responded by shaking his head and puffing out his cheeks, saying: “Why? This is a nightmare. Why?”

A woman in the public gallery said to him, “Come on, buddy,” but he continued, “But why? I have a business. But nothing happened. There's nothing there.”

The supporter then added “I love you” as she left the courtroom. In passing sentence, Judge Jeremy Lasker said: “I have little doubt that when you entered the bedroom where she was sleeping, you believed that what you were about to do to her would not wake her. You were wrong.”

“She was terrified. Instead of showing shame at being caught in the act, you followed her downstairs and exposed yourself to her.

“Your attack was directed against a woman of mature age. No woman, no matter how old she is, deserves to be treated and humiliated the way you treated her. She says it has had an impact on her life and her everyday life.

“You have a previous conviction, but not for sexual offences. I note that you maintain your innocence. It is difficult, if not impossible, for the probation service to assist you in your rehabilitation.

“Since your victim was sleeping, I assume she was a vulnerable victim. You could only have entered the bedroom where she was sleeping with the intention of committing a sexual offense.”

Canavan was also given a ten-year restraining order and must sign the sex offenders' register for the next ten years.

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