
Formula 1 training – Mercedes team boss shows leniency after Antonelli crash – Sport

Formula 1 training – Mercedes team boss shows leniency after Antonelli crash – Sport

Monza (dpa) – Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff will not make the possible engagement of Mercedes junior Andrea Kimi Antonelli as Lewis Hamilton's successor next year dependent on his training accident in Monza. “A first free practice session that goes wrong is no reason to decide for or against a driver,” he stressed a few hours after the 18-year-old's violent crash at his debut in a current Formula 1 Mercedes.

Like the experienced Bernd Mayländer in the safety car the day before, Antonelli lost control of the Silver Arrow on the high-speed track during the opening practice session for the Italian Grand Prix and went off course before the Parabolica curve.

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The Italian's car slid over the gravel bed and crashed sideways into the tire stack with considerable force. “Sorry,” Antonelli radioed to the pits. “Kimi, everything is fine,” Wolff replied. At the moment of the accident, however, he also briefly pulled a face.

Antonelli hit the track with 45G, explained Wolff, and hoped that the mechanics would be able to repair the car, which is actually driven by George Russell, in time. The seats of a normal car are subjected to about 0.3G during acceleration.

Next chance in Mexico

The most important thing is that Antonelli is doing well, stressed Wolff: “These moments will happen, they will also happen next year.” But there will also be highlights. However, Antonelli has still not been confirmed as the new Mercedes driver in 2025 when Hamilton moves to Ferrari.

He fully supports Kimi Antonelli (Photo: Luca Bruno/AP/dpa)

If he wants to become a champion one day, he will have to put up with something like that, said Wolff about Antonelli, whose training appearance as an Italian in Monza caused a great stir. He is now expected to get his next chance in Mexico City. Overall, Wolff, who wants to make the teenager a title holder, was already impressed and confirmed by the few kilometers before the crash: “We had more of a problem slowing him down than making him faster.”

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