
FBI did not properly investigate all allegations of sexual assault of children, Justice Department report says

FBI did not properly investigate all allegations of sexual assault of children, Justice Department report says

Washington: The U.S. Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General said Thursday that the FBI failed to properly investigate some suspected cases of child sexual abuse and failed to report some allegations to government agencies or social services.

A July 2021 report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz uncovered widespread and serious FBI errors that allowed former USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar to abuse at least 70 more victims before he was ultimately arrested.

Horowitz said Thursday that his office had conducted a new review of 327 allegations of child sexual assault reported to the FBI between October 2021 and February 2023 and reported 42 of them – or 13 percent of the incidents reviewed – to FBI headquarters because reviewers believed they required “immediate attention,” including some where there was a lack of investigative activity.

The OIG said the FBI will take further action in 43 percent of these 42 incidents and will supplement documentation in 40 percent.

“We have identified numerous cases in which the FBI did not respond appropriately to allegations against children,” Horowitz said.

The OIG said that in one example, the FBI received an allegation of abuse by a registered sex offender, but “no appropriate investigative action was taken for over a year.”

The OIG said that during that time, the suspect “allegedly abused at least one other minor.” After the OIG raised the incident, “the FBI took appropriate action and the suspect was charged.”

Published August 29, 2024, 3:50 p.m. IS

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