
Best Star Wars Outlaws Faction and Reputation Focus

Best Star Wars Outlaws Faction and Reputation Focus

The best factions of Star Wars Outlaws that you've built up your reputation with will grant you all sorts of rewards, including excellent clothing, new skins, access to special areas, and discounts at various merchants. Maintaining a good reputation with the various factions in Star Wars Outlaws is a key element of the game, and one that you can use intelligently – or get horribly wrong and end up pissing everyone off. If you need help managing the various crime syndicates and choosing between them, here are the best factions in Star Wars Outlaws and how to build a good reputation with them.

What is the best faction in Star Wars Outlaws?

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

More Star Wars Outlaws Guides

Of the main Star Wars Outlaws factions you can focus on when building your reputation, none are inherently better than the others – it's more a matter of what you want to prioritize – but if you have to choose one, we'd say it's either the Hutt Cartel, or the Ashiga clan, the fourth faction that opens when you first reach Kijimi.

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