
Health scare for influencer Narin's Beauty from Dubai – News

Health scare for influencer Narin's Beauty from Dubai – News

Published: Mon, 19 August 2024, 15:29

Last updated: Mon, 19 August 2024, 16:50

Dubai-based lifestyle influencer Narin Amara, also known as “Narin's Beauty,” revealed a health secret to her fans this week.

In an Instagram post that has garnered 663,720 likes so far, the fashionista wrote about a recent health scare. She wrote in Arabic (which was roughly translated into English) that she had been feeling very, very exhausted lately and a visit to the doctor shed light on the problem.

She wrote: “Today I made the decision to share a part of my life with you and the reason for my [diminished] Social media presence that you are not used to. Sometimes the circumstances are bigger than us.

“For a while [I] I was exhausted and felt that something was wrong with my body. So I went for general examinations and we didn't know why I was so exhausted. Then we decided to do a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain. We found that I had three white spots of different sizes in my brain. Now I have to go travelling for a while. [it’ll be two years] until I go to the doctor to make sure I don't have an autoimmune disease and then hopefully I'll be fine.”

She warned her fans not to ignore their bodies when they are trying to tell them something. “If you feel like there is something wrong with your body, don't ignore it because trust me, your body is talking to you. Take care of your physical and mental health,” she wrote.

Amara, 24, is a Swedish-Syrian YouTuber based in Dubai. She is known for her lifestyle, beauty, fashion and DIY videos. She has 14.8 million YouTube followers and 12.1 million followers on Instagram.


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